Sunday, January 27, 2013

Se celebró en Toronto aniversario del natalicio de José Martí

Asistentes al evento

Anoche, la Asociación de Amistad Cuba Canadá, y la Asociación de Cubanos Juan Gualberto Gómez, ambas de Toronto, celebraron el aniversario 160 del natalicio del Héroe Nacional de Cuba José Martí.

Elizabeth Hill, presidenta de CCFA Toronto

Estaban presentes Elizabeth Hill, presidenta de CCFA, Javier Dómokos, Cónsul General de la República de Cuba en Toronto, Julio Fonseca, presidente de la Asociación de cubanos Juan Gualberto Gómez, y un nutrido grupo de canadienses y cubanos y muchos amigos latinoamericanos.

Javier Dómokos, Cónsul General de Cuba en Toronto

Julio Fonseca, presidente  de la Asociación JGG

Antonio Pérez, presidente de la UNEAC en Santa Clara

Todos los oradores coincidieron en reconocer la grandeza humana de quien también es conocido como el Apóstol de la guerra por la liberación de Cuba.  Asímismo se recalcó su entrega revolucionaria a la que dedicó su brazo y su intelecto. Pero sobre todo su clara visión política sobre el futuro de la que él llamó Nuestra América, cuando sentenció la injerencia del naciente imperialismo estadounidense y el obstáculo que este supondría en la soberanía e independencia de América Latina.

A continuación el mensaje de la Asociación de Cubanos en Toronto "Juan Gualberto Gómez" a los invitados a la velada.

Good evening,

Elizabeth Hill, President of the Canada Cuba Friendship Association, brothers and sisters of this solidarity organization.

Deborah Ojeda, Embassy of Cuba

Javier Dómokos, Consul General of Cuba, Raúl Concepción and Julio Pujols, Consuls of Cuba,

Dear compatriots,

It is a great pleasure to be here representing the Association of Cubans in Toronto “Juan Gualberto Gómez” to celebrate the life of one of the most important thinkers and patriots of the XIX century, José Martí, who, 160 years after his birth is more relevant than ever.

Not only did Marti see with clear vision the danger that the United States of America represented for the countries to the south of the continent, but he also understood and advocated for the integration and unity of Our America, as the only possible way to retain their independence and dignity.

Today 43 countries attend the First CELAC_UE Summit in Santiago de Chile, where the peoples of Latin America speak with their own voice without the presence of the United States and Canada, and negotiate the construction of a common agenda, allowing for a deepening of commercial and investment relations, and in the construction of a strategic alliance to promote the sustainable development of both Latin America and Europe.

Also in this summit Cuba will accept the pro tempore presidency of CELAC. This is definitely a new and better Latin America, which would have been unthinkable 20 years ago. This integrationist movement that has finally extended its roots in our region is part of the legacy of José Marti and a tribute to his life of sacrifice for the greater good of our peoples.

We will never tire of demanding the immediate freedom of the Cuban Five, unjustly held in the United States.

We also demand the end of all US aggression against Cuba, and request that Obama lift the fifty year old economic, financial and commercial blockade that negatively affects the quality of life of Cubans.

We request that the US Government return Guantánamo to its rightful owner the people of Cuba and close the International Torture Center in that territory illegally occupied by the USA since 1903.

Viva Cuba Libre

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